Friday, January 2, 2015

Lost Photos – A complete reference guide for recovering your lost memories

Like the loss of Photographic prints, you can also lose your memories from your digital media. On digital media such as hard drives, memory cards , digital camera etc. , you can accidentally delete a photo or format the whole it is always advisable to regularly backup up your Photos .Websites like Dropbox, Google drive, Norton Online Backup  are providing you a way to back up your photos and videos and minimize your fear to lose your memories. But a nightmare comes when you lost your data before taking backup of them.

You don’t need to get upset when you accidentally delete your data. There are data recovery software’s which can easily recover your photos and videos.  You need to follow some of the following preventive measures before recovery.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Inbox Repair Tool (ScanPST.exe) : Complete Guide with Limitations, Error & Solution

Now a day’s communication through the mails is one the daily activity in every human life. Microsoft Outlooks plays a very vital role in managing mails and other personal information. It stores emails, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, journal etc. in a PST file. It will be a nightmare if the PST file gets damaged or corrupted by any means.